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July 22, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, July 22, 2014 at 6:48pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair Chris Burke, James Shea, Leslie Tuttle, Amy Everitt
Absent: Bob Callahan
Others Present:         Arianna Gentry, Jason Silva, Adam Fitch, Angelo Meimeteas, Kelly Lindsey, Keith Frasier, Joan Marfongelli, Ruth Brennan, Councilor-At-Large Arthur Sargeant, Matt Richard, Angelo Meimeteas
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Burke at 6:48pm.

Approval of June Minutes

Everitt motions to approve and Tuttle seconds.  Burke wanted to discuss eliminating the first sentence about Everitt.  With the amendment, the minutes pass unanimously.


Arianna Gentry – Autism Speaks, Salem Common. Seeking approval to hold carnival-themed fundraiser Sunday, July 27th.  

Burke asked where the money’s going to and Gentry replied that it’s going to Autism Speaks.  Partanen commented that there is a letter stating that this event supports Autism Speaks.  Shea asked her to describe the event and she explained there were various games and events that are carnival-like events.  She had met Larry Ramdin, in the Health Dept and he ok’d it.

Shea commented that if they do it again next year, they should come a few months before.  Shea motions to approve and Everitt seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Anthony Gird – Forest River Park (ABSENT). ~Waive or reduce parking fees for an outing involving active duty, veteran and disabled veterans.  

Jason Silva – YMCA; Palmer Cove. discussion and vote on rescission of prior vote to allow ~YMCA to build a garden on the tennis court at Palmer Cove Court and discussion and vote on this same project.

Described the efforts to create a teen run community garden and are hoping it can continue to move forward.  They had a ground breaking planned a few weeks ago that got cancelled at the last minute.  They’d still like to see the project move forward.

Burke commented that there may be some opposition to this plan and wanted to invite those present in opposition to speak about this matter.

Keith Frasier – speaking in opposition.  Has been playing hockey down there for many years.  Have been playing there and also weed whack there.  Shea asked about how many play there and Frasier commented that there’s an average of 6 per team.  Burke asked why it was such a good location and Frasier replied that it was ideal for a variety of reasons.  Frasier brought many people that participate (about a dozen or so).

Burke commented that on the night this project was approved, he is aware that the process wasn’t done correctly.  Frasier commented that the neighbors are aware that they play there every Tuesday.  Partanen stated that she was surprised that there was an organized group playing hockey there.  Shea supports them and is aware that this is a good location for the hockey players.  Burke had some concerns about the YMCA coming in and putting pressure on the Commission to approve, given that the YMCA had a grant for the community garden.

Silva responded that the batting cages are another option and they’re willing to compromise.

Joan Marfongelli, another speaker, thinks it’s a good idea.

Ruth Brennan, commented that she cleans the park and it’s the cleanest park around.

Councilor Arthur Sargent supports the hockey players keeping the court for their use.  Suggests they keep the courts and put the money into the community garden so that both have a place to go in the same park. He commented that he’d work to get a 3 sided fence up to support the garden.

Partanen asked Silva what his plan for water was and Charity commented that they use a rain barrel.   Sargent commented that the batting cages have a water supply.

Shea motions to rescind the motion to approve the use of the court for the community garden and Tuttle seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Silva commented that the batting cages are a good compromise.

Shea motions that the YMCA use the batting cages for the community garden with Partanen reaching out to make sure there isn’t anyone using the space.  Seconded by Everitt.  Passes unanimously.

Partanen commented that they will create a formal process that states the hockey players using the facility.  Frasier replied that they help with the maintenance of the court and will continue to do so. Partanen was ok with that.

Matt Richard – Use of Collins Cove and Salem Common for the Zombie Walk on October 11th at 3pm.  

Will have people dressed up as zombies have a kickball game and have a Zombie Walk through town.  Burke asked how this year’s walk is different from last year and Richard replied that it’s three times more costly and they have to pay various other fees and they’re raising money to make this happen.

Shea motions to approve and Everitt seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Richard asked about waiving the fee.  Partanen replied that he just has to pay $250 for use of the Collins Cove.  She added that he would have to have insurance for the entire event.

Angelo Meimeteas -- Clam Shack; Salem Willows. Seeking lease extension for restaurant. ~

Shea commented that he’s been there and the food is outstanding and liked everything about the space and the layout.  She commented that we’ve got a “first-class operator here.”  He likes it very much and so do others in the city. Shea is in favor of a lease extension.

Burke added that he liked what Meimeteas did there and would like to see this matter tabled for a month and have someone from the City come to the Commission to guide them on how to appraise it.

Shea commented that he’s the only one to take this project on and would like to see Meimeteas’ lease extended.  Tuttle asked what the monthly payment was and Meimeteas said it was $0.  Partanen commented that the amount was because of the 5 year lease.  Meimeteas added that he committed to spending $30,000 to make it look nice and ended up spending upwards of $45,000.  Shea added that it would be a shame to not approve it.  Shea asked if it’s at the 5 year mark when he pays rent and Partanen replied that it was the case.  Tuttle clarified that Meimeteas is asking for the option for an additional 5 years after the initial 5 year term.

Shea commented that the Commission extend the lease with the 5% being negotiable.  Everitt wants to hear what the numbers will be before they’ll lock it in.  Everitt seconds the motion.

Burke added that it’s too early to start negotiating and so early in the process.  Shea added that Meimeteas put a lot of money into the restaurant and deserves the option to get the money back.

Everitt commented that we’re almost a year into the contract and that should be taken into consideration.  

4 in favor and 1 opposed.  Shea added that at some point, the numbers can be worked out.

Meimeteas commented that he has workers compensation and insurance information that he’s going to copy and send to Partanen.

Peter Gallahan (speaking on behalf of Kelly Lindsey) — Family Continuity; Forest River Park. Seeking approval to hold fundraiser, Saturday, August 23rd from 1-3pm, including tents and ice cream giveaway.

Burke commented that the only thing he wanted to know about the parking situation.

Shea motions for approval and Tuttle seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Sean Kersh (ABSENT) – U.S.S. Constitution, Salem Willows. Seeking approval for use of a dunk tank and bounce house.

Superintendent’s Report

Revenue Reports

Partanen reported in the end of year report and all the numbers are up from last year.  The Golf Course is doing well and people like it as well as Scott.  The Witch House did wonderfully.

Heritage Days Activities

Partanen commented that Ellen Talkowsky to get approval to use the Common for the event.  Burke asked when this starts and Partanen replied that it was next week.  Everitt motions to approve, Shea seconds and passes unanimously.

Review Next Year’s RFP for Olde Salem Greens Manager Contract

Partanen wants to extend the dates of the contract to February/March.  Burke asked if this will allow for a raise.  Shea asked if the Commission can give him the ok to extend him for another year.  Burke recommends to Partanen that she put out the RFP as she wants it and wants to know if they’ll be a hiring process the Commission needs to be a part of.  Partanen replied that they’ll set some criteria and then the committee will make a decision based on the proposals they receive and the Committee would make the decision and Partanen would write a letter.  Partanen will send the RFP to the Commission for the next meeting and it will be reviewed then.

Parks & Facility

Mary Jane Lee Park improvements to include a splash pad from a grant received. Lead Mills preliminary plan comments and/or questions.

The Planning Department received a $200,000 grant and Mary Jane Park seems to be the right fit for the project.  Shea asked if a vote is required and Partanen said that it wasn’t necessary.  Partanen invited the Commissioners to the next Point Neighborhood Association meeting this coming Monday.

New Business

Seafood Festival

Partenan commented that they had about 15,000 people over the 3 days.  The Willows account will get $4,200 deposited into the account.  Burke commented that the parking still looked bad and that perhaps it should be paved and marked in the future.  Tuttle suggested using a grid to keep the land green and not pave.

Everitt asked Burke about the negative feedback and Burke responded that those comments were more about it being fried do and the space being fenced in.  Shea commented that the Willows businesses probably did well because of the spillover from the festival.  Burke added that the grass looked pretty bad at the end of the event.

Shea asked if the event could get too big.  Everitt added that if they were successful they’ll likely attract other better vendors in the future.

Adjournment at 8:06pm

Next Meeting: August 19, 2014